Holy shat. Honestly, there was not a single scene of this that did not blow me away. My one hope is that the lack of verbal dialog will continue. I love that you chose to show the story through only the actions of the characters and the world itself.
For instance, the distant lands and the different geography shown gives me the idea that there will be quite a lot to this world the story takes place in. And the gods? That scene was amazing. I can already tell that this will be one of the coolest "adventure" series I've seen in a while if it gets off the ground.
The animation is spectacular! It's so fluid and dynamic. I quite like the style you guys have got going here. It reminds me somewhat of Manga/Anime but with a heavy-handed western influence. I'm not an artist or an animator so that may not make sense, heh. But regardless, the animation was amazing and so were the backgrounds/painted scenes.
Also, the music is one of the coolest things about this. I mean, really. Kudos to the musicians. It's so playful and varied, and has so many touches of 60's and 70's classic rock in it when the guitars enter. Also, the vocalist's style and the sound on his vocal track reminds me of Jerry Garcia. Do I detect a hint of Grateful Dead influence? Hmm hmm!
Put simply, you guys have blown me away with this. I will definitely be supporting this whenever I get a chance to do so.